Akima Brackeen

Sights on Bow

Octavia E. Bulter’s unfinished manuscripts of the Parable of the Trickster suggest a world that, aside from the occasional rainbows, is dreary or “sickly gray, from the top to bottom” causing voyagers to be on the brink of psychological crisis.  Sights on Bow seeks to speculate the first inhabitation on the extrasolar planet, Bow, and explore solutions aimed to allow voyagers to see themselves in the future despite a distressing past and present.

Through speculative extrasolar analysis, body mapping, and diagramming it is intended to identify key social structures for habitation and propose devices that support and question what humans need and want. The work is aimed to speculate the future of human existence by incorporating elements of speculative fiction, afro-futuristic methodologies,  and body architecture.

Parable of the Sower situated apparatus drawing by Kayla Hawley + Akima Brakeen